Psychotherapy Dublin is a counselling, psychotherapy and psychoanalytic service with a duty to deliver high quality therapy at affordable prices. Unlike many services, Psychotherapy Dublin is committed to providing therapy from only fully qualified therapists. To ensure you get the best possible treatment we insist that each of our therapists are trained to master’s level in psychotherapy at the very least.
Insisting on such a high standard prepares us to work with virtually any psychological problem in good conscience. It also ensures a secure, professional and fertile ground for psychological work to begin.
Some of our expertise is detailed in the pages below.
Counselling & Psychotherapy Find out More

Individuals engage with counselling & psychotherapy for a whole variety of reasons. Therapy of this kind can help with almost all psychological issues.
By entering in to this arrangement the individual will work with their therapist to gain a deeper understanding of their suffering. In doing so they will give themselves the opportunity to change their troubles.
Couple's Counselling Find out More

Relationships can run in to difficulty for many reasons. External stresses such as family, finance, work or ill health can compound problems within the relationship. Unfaithfulness, arguments, doubts and frustrations can become common place.
Engaging in couple’s therapy is a helpful way of getting to the root of these stresses. Working in this way allows each individual within the couple to find their voice and work through their issues.
Psychological Assessment Reports Find out More

Psychological anguish can result from injuries, accidents, and various other scenarios which are often contested in civil litigation claims. Psychological assessments from leading experts are intended to assist the courts in determining their decisions around settlements made.
We provide clear, concise and professional reports from leading experts. These professional psychiatric reports can then be used to supplement and substantiate a claim made in cases of civil litigation, such as personal injury claims.