Our Expertise
At Psychotherapy Dublin we offer a high level of expert support and therapeutic services to couples who are suffering with relationship issues.
Our team of therapists all have memberships to at least two psychological bodies, and are trained to masters level in at least one area. This expertise is complimented by invaluable clinical experience working with many couples.
Click below for more information on our therapists.
Our TeamRelationship Problems
Couples and relationships are exposed to more and more pressures and stresses today as we all aware. Society is constantly on the move. This can lead to worries and anxiety relating to emotional issues, financial concerns, social and sexual issues that ultimately affect both partners in a relationship.
These external forces can compound problems within the relationship such as doubts, fears, anger, frustrations and unfaithfulness. With such a great number of possible stresses on a relationship it is important for the couple to understand their own position in relation to these worries in an effort to work through them.
Fundamentally a couple are two distinct people who have joined together to form a relationship. Our approach at Psychotherapy Dublin is to work with the couples individually and jointly. We are committed to helping each individual within the couple to express their doubts, fears, frustrations and worries.
How We Work
Initially the couple meet with one of our specialist therapists for a joint consultation where they are invited to give a broad outline of their difficulties. At this point it may be advisable for each person within the couple to attend individual therapy for a number of weeks before again meeting as a couple.
We endeavour to treat every person as unique and singular, and together with them create a secure and confidential space where they can find their place within the relationship.
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